Wet Bag Initiative & Fundraiser

At Cloth Bums we are constantly thinking of ways we can reduce our communities environmental impact.  Every day child care centres use copius amounts of single use plastic bags to send home children's soiled or dirty clothes, this not only has a drastic environmental impact but also is a big cost to facilities. 

Our aim is to replace these single use plastic bags with reusable wet bags - not only are these great for cloth nappies, but they are also useful for storing dirty or wet clothes in, for use as a library bag, or even a spare change of uniform for when your child ventures to school.  Wet bags are hard wearing and will last for years for multiple different purposes, and as a bonus they are machine washable and come in a large range of eye-catching designs. 

Most nappy bags which are used are 'biodegrable' however the manufacturing and also the end of life process for these bags are essentially no better than traditional plastic bags. 

The Wet Bag Initiative is designed to reduce our waste but also benefit our child care centres in the process.  Wet bags are purchased by parents at a retail price, and the centre is then presented with a 'rebate' at the end of the fundrasing period.  

If you are interested in partnering up please email us at hello@clothbums.com.au.