Which Inserts Do I Need - Hemp Duo or Trifold? October 25, 2022Leia Norford Don't know which of our insert options will be best for you? Does choosing an insert option seem scary and overwhelming? Then look no further! We are here to help and...
Waterproof Bed Sheets October 18, 2022Brittany Forrest Introducing our new premium quality waterproof bedding, these were designed by me (Britt), Mum of 4 with the thought in mind to work smarter not harder. I know how much...
Reusable Swim Nappies September 13, 2022Leia Norford What is a reusable swim nappy? A reusable swim nappy is a nappy you can wash and reuse time after time. Swim nappies are designed to just keep the number...
Night Nappies- Customer set ups September 12, 2022Leia Norford Night nappies can be scary and are often put off for most day cloth users as they feel scared or overwhelmed with the options out there or the fear of...
What's the difference between the Pixie 3.0 and 4.0? September 12, 2022Leia Norford Our best-selling Pixies are a staple in so many homes. They're a great, premium, affordable reusable nappy. But what's the difference between the 3.0 and 4.0?See our quick infographic below. For those...
Septemeber 2022 Release Product Updates/Changes September 12, 2022Leia Norford Our latest new release is BIGGER AND BETTER than ever! We not only have 20 gorgeous new prints, but we have upgraded some features to make our nappies even more...
Wet Bag Uses - One ENDLESS Product August 03, 2022Leia Norford Do you have a wet bag yet? Cloth user or not, wet bags are a parenting essential! So many uses and the options are endless.Here are some of the ideas...
How to fit your cloth nappy! July 05, 2022Leia Norford Here is a guide on how to fit your modern cloth nappyDownloadable version here For any extra questions or help feel free to reach out via email or contact us...
Nappy Bag Essentials - Cloth Nappy Edition May 23, 2022Leia Norford Packing a nappy bag as a first-time Mum can be daunting, especially if you're a cloth mumma, so we have compiled the perfect list for you to make things a...
Drying Cloth Nappies in Colder Weather April 13, 2022Leia Norford How can you optimise drying your cloth nappies when the colder weather hits? Here are our top tips to keep you on top of drying in the colder months. 1....
How to use cloth nappies out and about March 30, 2022Leia Norford A very common question we get from people once they begin using cloth nappies is how do you do cloth when leaving the house? Reusable nappies out and about isn't difficult and...
Cloth Nappies vs Disposable Nappies - Enviromental Impact March 30, 2022Leia Norford Are cloth nappies better for our environment than disposables? Let’s dive right in and compare the two. The average child uses about 6,000+ disposable nappies from birth to toilet training. That’s...